Reliability knowledge of USB-C chargers

Reliability refers to the ability of electronic devices, electronic components, or USB-C chargers  to perform the specified charging functions well under specified conditions and for a specified period of time. The reliability of USB-C chargers can be divided into inherent reliability, usability reliability, and environmental adaptability. Inherent reliability refers to the inherent reliability of the charger during design and manufacture. For Type C chargers   and other electronic devices, inherent reliability includes the complexity of the USB-C charger, selection and application of circuits and components, working parameters and reliability of components, mechanical structure and manufacturing processes, etc.; for components, it includes the quality of raw materials, manufacturing processes, working parameters, etc. Usability reliability refers to the impact of operation and maintenance personnel on the reliability of USB-C chargers, mainly including the correctness of operating methods, maintenance procedures and methods, and other human factors. Usability reliability depends on the users of the equipment. Skilled and correct operation, timely maintenance and upkeep can significantly improve usability reliability. Environmental adaptability refers to the impact of the environment (including working, storage, and transportation environments) on reliability, mainly including environmental conditions such as climate, mechanical environment, storage conditions, and transportation conditions. Effective protection measures for electronic equipment can improve environmental adaptability. The reliability of USB-C chargers mainly refers to the effective working lifespan of the charger. Effective working lifespan refers to the time when the USB-C charger can effectively perform power supply functions and maintain the designed electrical characteristic parameters. The reliability of the power adapter is closely related to the failure rate of components and the overall reliability structure.

Component failure The failure of electronic components includes two types: one is the failure caused by the disappearance of the electrical characteristic parameters of the component, such as the internal open circuit of the transistor and the overload blowing of the fuse, which usually cause the entire system failure of the USB-C charger and are referred as hard failures. The other type is the failure caused by changes in the parameters of the component over time or changes in the working environment, such as the decrease in the amplification factor of the transistor, the decrease in the Q value of the inductor, and the decrease in the capacity of the capacitor, which usually cause failure of the power adapter and are referred to as soft failures. The failure of components, whether hard or soft failures, will reduce the reliability of the product.

Reliability of USB-C wall charger are usually composed of many components according to certain circuit principles and structures. The reliability of the entire machine is not only related to the failure rate of components but also related to the reliability structure of the entire machine. Common reliability structures include series and parallel structures. A series structure refers to a system composed of several components. The failure of any component in the system will cause the failure of the entire system. A parallel structure is a system composed of several components, and the failure of one component will not cause the failure of the entire system. The series and parallel structures of the reliability structure are different from the series and parallel structures of the circuit structure. The reliability parallel structure of electronic products generally refers to the parallel structure of the entire machine, which is mostly used in systems or military systems with high reliability requirements. For general civilian electronic products, the reliability structure is a series system structure composed of all components.

Post time: Jun-19-2023